PRESS RELEASE – DUBLIN – January 31, 2025
The Milestone Aviation Group Limited (“Milestone”), the global leader in helicopter leasing, today announced that it has been awarded the contract for the purchase and leaseback of five new Leonardo AW189 helicopters with Equinor Energy AS (“Equinor”), a leading supplier of energy to Europe and largest oil and gas operator on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.
The aircraft are scheduled to deliver in 2025 through 2026 and will be deployed on offshore missions in the North Sea.
Pat Sheedy, the Chief Executive Officer of Milestone, said, “Milestone is very pleased to announce this significant deal with Equinor after successfully winning the competitive tender process. This agreement highlights the strength and agility of Milestone’s platform, including our unmatched capabilities in terms of speed of execution. We thank Equinor for their business and look forward to working with the team as these aircraft begin delivering in the coming months.”
About Milestone
Milestone Aviation Group, an AerCap company, is the world’s leading helicopter leasing and financing company. Milestone partners with helicopter operators worldwide, providing a wide array of financial and productivity solutions, including operating leases, purchase/leasebacks, secured debt financing, engine leasing and fleet advisory. The company supports approximately 50 customers in approximately 35 countries serving a variety of industries, including offshore oil and gas, search and rescue, emergency medical services, police surveillance, mining, fire-fighting, and other utility missions. www.milestoneaviation.com